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Texting while driving essay outline

Texting while driving essay outline

texting while driving essay outline

Outline for a persuasive speech on texting while driving. Txtblocker offers a novel to free essay topics. Alcohol research paper outline texting while driving a car accidents. Throughout the paper you think about my essay driving statistics and. Biz persuasive outline for safe driving is bottled while driving has become a problem: 49 11/15/17 Persuasive speech outline Title of speech: 1 Texting while driving Specific purpose: My audience will know the dangers of texting while driving, the effects it has on people and ways to reduce the accident rate due to texting and driving. Proposition: 2 Texting while driving can cause injuries and even death Texting While Driving. online –Essay analysis June 18th‚ Texting while driving The use of the cell phone in today’s world while driving is becoming a concern for other drivers‚ pedestrians‚ as well as law enforcement and legislators. Cases of traffic accidents and/or fatalities involving a distracted driver by the use of this device have become more frequent and are

Texting While Driving Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Texting hile Driving Speech Outline Description of the audience for your speech: The audience for this speech would likely be comprised of members of the legislature, preferably members of Congress, who could enact a law in all 50 states because only this group can create laws on texting while driving essay outline national level. The topic of this speech is the problem of texting while driving and how it negatively affects people of the U. In all 50 states. Specific Purpose: The specific purpose of this speech is to convince those in positions of power to create legislation which would make texting while driving illegal throughout the United States of America. Texting while driving is a highly dangerous practice that far too many people take part in; an activity which has led to a high number of automobile collisions, many injuries, and far too many deaths.

Question Based on Thesis: How does texting while…. Works Cited: Austin, Michael. JunePrint. Bowens, Dan. Capital Broadcasting, AAA, That is because texting also involves the same brain regions and cognitive processes as communicating by telephone that are responsible for the dangers associated with cell phones and driving and combines that risk factor with another additional independent risk factor: visual distraction. Unlike cell phones, which distract the driver visually for only a small percentage of the time when they are being used for verbal communication, texting while driving is a continuous visual distraction by its very nature that makes it much more dangerous by comparison. Whereas cell phone users only look at their devices to dial and identify in-coming calls drivers who text must continually shift their attention back and forth from watching the road to looking at their communications devices.

Especially at typical highway speeds, the amount of time typically required to look at a mobile device for texting purposes is too much time to look away from…. References AHAS. htm Chisholm, S. Mobile Phones One of the most important concepts in public safety is the idea of "accidents. There are very few accidents on the roads. There are collisions, and they are caused by either mechanical error or human error. The word 'accident' lets people off the hook for their mistakes, mistakes that nobody should make if they are doing their job. The reality is that there are a lot of things that people do to cause collisions.

One is that they take their attention away from the task at hand. When a person is operating a lb, traveling at a speed sufficient to induce deadly force, one may wish to pay attention, to prevent collisions. Mobile phones are just one of many sources of driver distraction, but there should be penalties associated with driving…. References Ruiz, texting while driving essay outline, R. The National. Stowing mobile phones away while driving could save lives, experts say. UAE clamps down on drivers using mobile phones.

Gulf Business. Teens and distracted driving: Texting, talking and other uses of the cell phone behind the wheel. Pew Research Center. messaging during simulated driving," Drews et al. The authors studied drivers in a driving simulation to examine how the drivers responded texting while driving essay outline texting while driving. Their findings indicate that texting while driving results in poor driver performance with respect to attention span and response time. The authors note the their scores, which are some of the first in the field, indicate that texting while driving is more dangerous than other forms of driver distraction.

The authors first provide an extensive literature review discussing the issue of distracted driving. They present evidence of how different forms of distracted driving have been show to affect driver competence. The authors also discuss the issue of texting and driving specifically, noting that there has not texting while driving essay outline much research to this point on the subject, but that they believe texting…. References: Drews, F. Text messaging during simulated driving. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Problems to be addressed: There are several problems associated with the issue of cell phone use while driving and the ineffective regulations to restrict the use of mobile phones on the road.

First, texting while driving essay outline, the increased use of these devices while driving has significant impacts on driving performance. This is because mobile phone use during driving distracts the driver physically, cognitively, and visually. The distractions contribute to the inability of drivers to maintain required speed, lateral position, and throttle control on the road. Since the driving performance reduces, the risk of crashes and accidents on the roads increases. Secondly, cell phone while driving contributes to a major social problem of increased crash risk since it endangers the lives of passengers, drivers, and passersby.

In addition to the distractions it causes…. References: Bruce, C. Analysis of the Literature: The Use of Mobile Phones while Driving. pdf Noder, S. Talking and Texting While Driving: A Look at Regulating Cell Phone Use Behind the Wheel. Valparaiso University Law Review, 44 1 Cellphone Driving The Dangers of Using a Cell Phone hile Driving Statistics connecting cell texting while driving essay outline usage with dangerous driving have becoming increasingly readily available. Evidence suggests that cell phones cause drivers to become distracted, to move their eyes off the road and, ultimately, to endanger their lives and the lives of other motorists. ith the advent of texting and emailing by smartphone, these risks are even greater.

In spite of this, the United States remains resistant to impose federal legislation that would make it illegal, nationwide, to use a cell phone while driving. Given the evidence texting while driving essay outline cell phone use and dangerous driving, there is a strong imperative for the development and texting while driving essay outline of distracted driving laws on the national level. The strongest argument in favor of such a law is the clear and irrefutable evidence denoting the danger of driving while using a cell phone. In fact, an article…. Works Cited: Hanson, D, texting while driving essay outline. Driving While Using Cell Phone as Dangerous as Driving While Drunk.

Driving While Distracted: Statistics to Know. Richtel, M. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. New York Times. Young Drivers Perhaps it is unfair to label all younger drivers as reckless and dangerous. At the very least, they are most certainly less experienced and adept at driving, on average. Since a firm and enforced age is the best way to regulate who can drive for the first time, that is the method that should remain. On average, teen drivers are restricted or banned from driving for several reasons. Those reasons include insufficient brain development, lack of responsibility and a propensity to not pay proper attention. While typecasting people based on age is not always fair, there are reasons behind the age restriction.

Analysis The first main point to consider when it comes to why children under sixteen should not be driving, at least in an unrestricted way, is insufficient brain development. The ideas and theories about the broader subject development do vary. However, there are some things that…. Driving Drunk Dangerous Texting while driving essay outline license revocation and sentencing should be applied to all young adults who are convicted of drunk driving, texting while driving essay outline. In addition young adults who are found to drive drunk should be forbidden from riding in a vehicle with other young adult passengers for a period of up to one year.

Every year the number of fatalities and serious accidents that result from drunk drivers rises. There have been numerous laws enacted to combat the problem of drunk driving. None of these laws however have been directed specifically at young adults, and recent studies suggest that this population shows a growing trend toward drunk driving. Thus the aim of this paper is to argue for more severe penalties directed specifically at the young adult population, in the hopes that effective countermeasures may be established with regard to the drunk driving problem. No one would argue that drunk driving is…. References: Grube, texting while driving essay outline, J.

Predicting underage drinking and driving behaviors. AddictionNational Highway Safety Traffic Administration. Traffic Safety FactsReport No. DOT HSWashington: Department of Transportation, ; In Shacket, R. Robin, G. Hazards of Using Mobile Phone While Driving Traffic accidents have become major public health risks in the recent past because of their increase in the recent past. The United Arab Emirates has experienced a significant increase in the number of traffic accidents in the recent past to texting while driving essay outline extent that it has the eighth highest national rate of accidents across the globe.

The increase in traffic accidents is attributed to various factors including the behaviors of drivers when driving. Drivers' behaviors have been affected by various factors including the use of mobile phones while driving. The use of mobile phones while driving is linked to several hazards including the likelihood of traffic accidents since a mobile phone is a distraction that can result in accidents. Drivers should be required to stop using mobile phones while driving, in order to eliminate accidents caused by the use of mobile phone which is…. References Dubai Media IncorporatedOctober 5. Dh1, texting while driving essay outline, Fine for Mobile Phone Use While Driving. UAE Clamps Down on Drivers Using Mobile Phones.

VUzrM5MgqSo Ruiz, R.

Persuasive Speech-Texting and Driving

, time: 5:50

Essay Outline On Texting While Driving

texting while driving essay outline

Outline for a persuasive speech on texting while driving. Txtblocker offers a novel to free essay topics. Alcohol research paper outline texting while driving a car accidents. Throughout the paper you think about my essay driving statistics and. Biz persuasive outline for safe driving is bottled while driving has become a problem: 49 Apr 08,  · Texting While Driving Essay: Texting while driving consists of acts such as reading, composing, sending emails or messages or using the web on a mobile phone while operating a motor blogger.comg and driving is an extremely dangerous act, and authorities in some places have outlawed or restricted it · Texting while driving is a dangerous activity that could result in damages to the car, accidents, and even death. II. Texting while Driving · Drivers are usually willing to take risks while behind the wheel for fear of missing out or due to separation anxiety, which contributes to a violation of the law (Society for Risk Analysis, )

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