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Essay about elephant

Essay about elephant

essay about elephant

Short Essay on Elephant. Elephants are the world's biggest and most magnificent land animals. They seem to be both gigantic and modest. Elephants are my favourite animal because they are both grounded and overly sweet. No other animal comes close to resembling them with their snake-like long noses or trunks, big, floppy ears, and thick trunk-like legs Jun 17,  · The phrase “there’s an elephant in the room” is used when, in a social group, there is a major issue—an elephant—that is on everyone’s minds, and yet nobody will discuss it until someone becomes the first to acknowledge it. Hemmingway’s iceberg principle is fitting for this concept as, under his principle, the immense mass of [ ] Sep 29,  · 10 Lines Essays on Elephant. 1. An elephant is a very big animal. 2. It has a long trunk, two tusks, two large ears, two small eyes, four legs, and a short tail. 3. The colour of its skin is black. 4. Elephants are the strongest of all animals. 5. Elephants are also used to carry loads. 6. Elephants are seen in the forests of Asia and Africa. 7

Essay on Elephant | - Words | Pro English Essay

An elephant is the largest land mammal found on earth. It is easily identified by its distinctly large physical features and a trunk. Tusks of an elephant essay about elephant considered valuable in the illegal market. Elephants are found in the wild; though, they are also domesticated by humans for various purposes. We all are familiar with what an elephant looks like and essay about elephant its distinct physical features. They are commercially used by humans and provide bread and butter to millions of families, essay about elephant, only in the Indian subcontinent alone, essay about elephant.

Asian elephants are domesticated for a number of purposes including transport, shifting heavy loads, as a status symbol, essay about elephant, during religious processions, in temples, etc. Many essay about elephant in the Indian subcontinent rely entirely on the elephant for earning their livelihoods. Thousands of animals in Essay about elephant and other Asian countries are currently under domestication for several purposes. Their endangered status since has helped in improving its population considerably. Prior to that, they were poached heavily for their tusk and other body parts.

Though, the illegal trade and poaching almost stopped, shrinking habitat is the most immediate threat that the Asian elephant faces. Habitat destruction is leading to rising human-elephant conflict which is damaging for both. Elephants have been known to venturing into villages in search of food, too which the inhabitants panic and resort in a way that often injures or frightens the animals, making them consider humans as their enemies. Shrinking elephant habitat is not good for the elephants or for humans as well. Governments and animal rights groups must chart out an effective plan to retain the natural habitat essay about elephant elephants without compromising the livelihood of humans. An elephant is the largest existing land mammal which is distinctly recognized by its large and distinguished features.

They have a trunk, two tusks, large ears and a bulky body that could weigh essay about elephant between to Kgs. Despite their heavy size, elephants have been used by humans for centuries, due to their calm and peaceful nature. Elephants are usually calm unless instigated, making them suitable for domestication. They are used for several purposes due to their sheer strength. Several uses of elephants by humans are described below. In history, elephants have been trained by humans for combat situations. Their colossal appearance and sheer pleasure were used to instill terror in the enemy ranks and break their progression. However, sometime down the line, advance weaponry has made war elephants redundant and ineffective.

Elephants are very costly to maintain and require a mahout person who tends to the elephant working full time along essay about elephant the requirement of food and water. An elephant can eat up to kg of food and drink up to 40 liters of water in a day, essay about elephant. For this reason, many existing princely states and landlords, domesticate elephants as a status symbol. Elephants have immense strength and their trunk provides dexterity to perform tasks involving heavy loads, essay about elephant. Even to this day, elephants are used to lift and shift heavy logs of woods or trees that would have otherwise required a small army of labors.

In India elephants also have religious significance. One of the most revered Hindu deities, Lord Ganesha, is a half elephant half man. Temple in Southern India, especially in Kerala, domesticates elephants to take part in annual religious congregations. These elephants are decorated and paraded in full public view during religious functions. Due to their huge size, elephants are avoided by big carnivores like tigers and leopards; thereby making them a safe mount for jungle safaris. For these qualities, elephants are widely used for tourism by the forest department. The relationship of elephants with humans is centuries old. However, in taking advantage of them we must not forget that they are the gift of god and extremely useful for ecology and must be protected at all costs, essay about elephant.

Elephants are the largest land mammals from the family Elephantidae. Another member of the family is now an extinct mammoth. An elephant is the only surviving member of the Elephantidae family. Elephants are the largest land animals with an imposing presence. Their physical features are distinct and huge in proportion to other animals. The weight of an elephant can vary from Kg to Kg. They also have large and round fan-like ears. The most distinct feature of an elephant is the trunk, which is an extension of the nose and upper lip. The trunk is a very useful organ for an elephant and is used for a number of purposes like breathing, holding, grasping, drinking, etc.

In the end, the trunk has two lips like extensions that the elephant uses for picking up small items. Despite their large body and unmatchable strength, elephants generally are very silent and tend to mind their own business, unless provoked. They are herbivorous and their diet mostly consists of leaves, essay about elephant, twigs, roots, barks, etc. They often use their trunk to pluck leaves and branches from trees. Bull elephants have tusks, essay about elephant, which is an extension of their teeth on both sides of the trunk.

Elephants usually feed all day long and can consume up to kgs of food in a day. Also, they love water and essay about elephant more likely to found near a water source. Elephants are also highly social animals essay about elephant live in small to large groups consisting of males, females, and calves. Essay about elephant oldest and probably the strongest elephant head of the family. Their behavior in a group is similar to that of humans that is they show consideration, support, affection, and protection towards each other. Sometimes, stray bull elephants not belonging to any clan are also spotted. Bull elephants in masth have a large production of reproductive hormones, making them extremely aggressive.

Three distinct species of elephants are currently recognized all over the globe. They are as described below. This species of the elephant is the largest of them all and could reach up to a shoulder height of 4 meters. Both males and females have tusks that grow only at an age of years. As the name suggests this species is found in Africa. They inhabit essay about elephant, wetlands, and woodlands. Bull essay about elephant usually live in large bachelor groups. This species of African elephant inhabits West Africa and Congo Basin. It is by far the smallest of all the species reaching up to a shoulder height of 2.

Both males and females have down-pointing tusks with males having larger tusks. It feeds on leaves, fruits, and seeds, etc. The Asian elephant is distributed along with Asia and is found in countries like India, Nepal, China, Bhutan, essay about elephant, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc. It is listed as endangered and the hunt of Asian elephants is prohibited by law in several countries. Average male Asian elephants reach up to 2. An elephant is the largest mammal on earth and plays a significant role in the ecology of a forest. In the past elephants have been poached for illegal trade; therefore, essay about elephant, they are listed as endangered and protected by law. Elephants are native to the Asian and African continent.

The name of the collective group of elephants is called Memory. The elephants can live for years in essay about elephant wild. Elephants mourn and become sad when their family member dies. Elephants do not sweat because they do not have sweat glands. Elephants eat hours a day and can consume about kg of food every day. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters. I write to satisfy the writer in me and also essay about elephant keep you updated on several topics.

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Short Essay On Elephant In English • English Summary

essay about elephant

Jun 17,  · The phrase “there’s an elephant in the room” is used when, in a social group, there is a major issue—an elephant—that is on everyone’s minds, and yet nobody will discuss it until someone becomes the first to acknowledge it. Hemmingway’s iceberg principle is fitting for this concept as, under his principle, the immense mass of [ ] Sep 29,  · 10 Lines Essays on Elephant. 1. An elephant is a very big animal. 2. It has a long trunk, two tusks, two large ears, two small eyes, four legs, and a short tail. 3. The colour of its skin is black. 4. Elephants are the strongest of all animals. 5. Elephants are also used to carry loads. 6. Elephants are seen in the forests of Asia and Africa. 7 Short Essay on Elephant. Elephants are the world's biggest and most magnificent land animals. They seem to be both gigantic and modest. Elephants are my favourite animal because they are both grounded and overly sweet. No other animal comes close to resembling them with their snake-like long noses or trunks, big, floppy ears, and thick trunk-like legs

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