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Does god exist essay

Does god exist essay

does god exist essay

Feb 10,  · Argumentative Essay On Existence Of God. The existence of God has always been discussed and argued over by many people as some argue that he does exist while others argue that he does not exist. Many people have varying views on how the world came into existence as some people share common beliefs on this blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins God exists because of the “unmoved mover” argument. This argument proclaims that the world is constantly in motion, which seems to be effectively controlled by a supreme being. It also shows that the world moves from potentiality to actuality, thus showing that there is a prime mover of the universe Apr 20,  · God does exist and not only science but everything around us is a testament to his existence. The arguments against the existence of God often cite lack of scientific proof but such an argument ignores the limitation of science itself. Science often time places too much emphasis on observation

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Throughout history, man has tried to prove and disprove the existence of God. Who is right? When it comes to such a difficult question as this it is important to realize that no matter what anyone says, it is never enough to persuade any to believe or not. It ultimately comes to an individual to decide if God does indeed exist. God cannot be proved or disproved because nobody knows him personally, does god exist essay. To argue that certain things in the world exist or do not exist cannot in any way prove or disprove God. I have never seen or met Socrates, and neither has anybody else in this world.

Who is to say that he did exist? We have his writings, or writings about what he said and did, the same as with God. The only problem is that we are dealing on a higher level and this scares does god exist essay rational mind. When arguing whether God exists or not, it is important to understand belief. Belief is something that is hoped for but not seen, and part of the trial of life is the exercise of this belief because without belief there is no hope. For example, as a Christian I have a belief in prayer and that through prayer I can find inner peace and answers to difficult questions.

Through this belief comes the hope that I can improve myself for the better. It requires that I genuinely recognize that Does god exist essay exists, so I can speak with him on a personal level. However, with this belief, I can improve and find real solutions to my problems after the trial of this belief through personal experience so that I may receive a witness of this, after which it is no longer a belief but a fact. Now, does god exist essay, what Clifford seems to be implying is that assuming is harmful and devastating. Or that God is evil? If we just assume that God must do as we ask, we will be left in serious trouble indeed, and this is what Clifford refers to.

He thinks more along the lines of the ethics of assumption rather than belief. I assume that my rickety old ship will sail across the ocean because it has before. Is that a belief? Or is it more of an assumption? Because, as Clifford asserts, does god exist essay or wrong, the assumption gets us into trouble both morally and ethically. Secular belief, the assumption, is not, in fact, religious belief. In the quest to find the truth it is important to realize that for religious matters one can only use religious ways, for one cannot use science to find God, does god exist essay.

Look through a telescope and see a glimpse of heaven, or calculate the amount of faith one has will do no more for us individually than getting the answers to an exam before it is written. If one wants to believe in a God but is not sure, use the method set by God, does god exist essay. Kneel and pray to God and ask if a certain thing does god exist essay true. If one asks with a sincere heart, with real interest, does god exist essay, and putting faith in God to answer, the truth should be made manifest, and anyone can know the truth of religious things, but it must take belief first and a little trust. There are many out there that try to use other methods to prove that God does not exist.

Many have tried to use the argument for design to show that God does not exist, does god exist essay. If we can prove that the world is natural and full of chaos then there is no room for a God who is perfect. Furthermore, nowhere in the Christian religion is there a belief that this earth is perfect. Since the Fall, the sons and daughters of Adam have had to dwell in the world of experience that is in no way fit for man. This has no bearing on the argument that the location and tilt of the earth have to be so precise as to sustain life.

Morrison lists many examples of why life could not be a chance on earth; this has nothing to do with design for mankind, but design for sustaining life. Does god exist essay, on the other hand, does god exist essay, gives wives tales and jokes as his evidence, such as the nose were designed to fit glassesand so on, as if only through ignorance can God be dismissed. Then there is the argument that if evil exists God cannot exist. Hitler killing millions of Jews does not disprove Christianity any more than the Romans killing Christ did. For if God is a benevolent God, there is no reason why he would allow the innocent to suffer, or as B.

Does God need to be excused? Though Johnson has does god exist essay that no one is asking God to interfere all the time, he would like to see God at least save some babies who die outside of the stupidity of man. The child could have died an agonizing death, which is the atheist view, or he could have been taken at the moment before pain, which is the Christian view. Which does god exist essay is correct? You can call me evil or morally decedent for believing the child could have been saved before pain, but the truth does god exist essay the matter is which is more moral? The question of suffering brings the argument to justice.

In dealing with justice in the world or out of it, one must first know what justice is. In the secular world, the courts of man define justice, in Christianity God defines justice. Russell further follows this with his parable of the crate of bad oranges, which misses on the very truth of the matter. To be scientific, as Does god exist essay calls it, is to consign all the oranges to the garbage because the top oranges are bad. That is the immorality of science. Just because oranges on top of the box are bad, does not presuppose that the rest are bad as well. In our own judgment, we may wish to throw the entire box away or move on to the more perfect box because of its defect. The real truth of the matter is, in all the oranges under the bad there may be perfectly ripe ones, even just one, and what kind of justice is it to ignore the one in a box of many, does god exist essay.

That is the truth of Christianity. In a world of bad, God recognizes the good and is willing to purchase the entire box, even with his life, just to save the good ones. The justice that Russell talks of is consigned to worldly views and greed more than anything else, does god exist essay. As far as the moral question of hell in trying to disprove the benevolence, does god exist essay, if not the existence of God, I will ask this: where is the morality without a Heaven or a Hell? Now I am not preaching Hellfire here. I am talking about a state of mind every human being goes through at some point in life.

It is called the turmoil does god exist essay the conscience. At some point in life, everyone feels utter despair. And I sure hope there is a time that the rapist utterly understands what he had done, even if it is in the next life. If he only suffers for such an action through the anguish of spirit a hundredfold harsher than the parent had to suffer I, as the parent, would feel justice was served. The fact that we feel despair is not evil in itself, it was brought upon us by some other action, perhaps from a mistake in the past. What comes from despair? I, as a Christian, do not believe in the traditional sense of Hell. This is a morally sound argument, for such a state is brought upon by the individual and not by any God who tries to deter him or her from this state.

To does god exist essay out against Hell, one must know what Hell is, and those who preach Hellfire from the pulpit, rarely know what it means. Superstition breeds off of truth, and it becomes incorporated into the consciousness of society. To understand we must does god exist essay back at the etymology of the word, its original intention. It is an old word that goes back as far as the Greeks, whose very religion was based on pagan gods. The Bible dictionary explains that in Hebrew it was called Sheol, the Greek word does god exist essay Hades. What is Hinnom? This was a place of suffering in a valley just outside of Jerusalem where the Jews, in the times of their apostasy, does god exist essay, offered children for sacrifice.

Christ spoke to the Jews personally. He used references for the Jews to personally strike images in their mind. The use of hellfire comes from the fires of Hinnom where the Jews burnt up their idolatrous artifacts and fire burned there constantly, like a garbage heap. To remind them of the suffering of the children burned there in the name of false gods, Jesus wanted to show them that justice is for all, and hell as real or symbolic is no reason to say that Christ was immoral or cruel. It is just a reminder that justice is for all, imperfect in this life, does god exist essay, but perfect in the does god exist essay. With Hell seen in the context of our state of mind, it would do no good use the argument against the existence of God.

For we create our own Hell with our actions and not God who only wishes to save us from it. Thus, fear as a basis for religion does not work in Christianity. However, he never clarified this point with any doctrine or teaching only his fear. The whole heart of the Christian belief is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The etymology of the word Gospel is rather interesting and in no way refers to mysterious fear, defeat or death. See EVANGEL: godgood. How could a doctrine of good news distill fear in the public? What kind does god exist essay good news is burning in a lake of fire? Without this teaching of joy, there is only fear of death and the unknown.

Any who teach otherwise can be seen as not accepting the true Gospel. For if one did not believe in hell, then one would not rage so much against it. It could just be ignored like any other non-existent notion. Only those afraid of hell, either literal or symbolic, try to disprove it and the existence of heaven. Now, my question to the atheist is where is morality without any afterlife? Where is the humanity of the annihilation of all humanity? God seeks to save us by wiping away our ignorance; nihilists seek to just wipe away humanity. Within the Christian faith, there is justice and hope, with heaven being the opposition of Hell, or our fallen state.

How a Dice can show that God exists

, time: 4:32

Does God Exist? - College Essay Examples

does god exist essay

Definition Essay: Does God Exist? When one thinks or talks about God they perceive or have an idea of a being that is all powerful, knowing and good by every definition. So if the question “Does God exist?” were to be answered then it is only logical to break this very same question down also by definitions Does God Exist Essay Words | 2 Pages. God Does Exist! P1: God is a maximally great being. P2: If God is a maximally great being, then God is a necessary entity. P3: If God exists necessarily, then God exists in all possible worlds. P4: If God exists in all possible worlds, then God exists in our world Apr 20,  · God does exist and not only science but everything around us is a testament to his existence. The arguments against the existence of God often cite lack of scientific proof but such an argument ignores the limitation of science itself. Science often time places too much emphasis on observation

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