Friday, February 11, 2022

Female genital mutilation essay

Female genital mutilation essay

This essay is not unique. Another kind of female genital mutilation is a traditional ritual procedure that is currently practiced in more than 30 countries of Africa. It is a known fact that some of the cultural practices in female genital mutilation essay are a vast threat to society. Check it out! We can refer this to the purity aspect of the hedonic calculus, which states that some pleasures or pains are purer than others.


Is Female Genital Mutilation A Moral Practice Female genital mutilation FGM is not a morally justified practice. It is an unnecessary procedure that has no medical health benefits to the girls and women it is being performed on. According to Utilitarianism, we should produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number affected. Based on Utilitarian grounds, FGM has no medical health benefits and it is a completely unnecessary act on females in this culture. It is also an extremely painful procedure that has very serious short term and long term side effects, including death. This principle enables individuals to provide good reasons for their course of action. When we are deliberating about the right thing to do, Bentham maintains that we must always account for the pleasures and pains.

Examples of this are the intensity, female genital mutilation essay, duration, certainty or uncertainty, remoteness, fecundity, purity and extent of the pleasure or pain. In order to understand why FGM is not a morally justified practice and why it goes against the principles of Utilitarianism, you have to know what FGM is. You need to learn who it is being performed on and what age, female genital mutilation essay, why it is being done, where it is happening, how it is performed, and what short term and long term side effects occur, after this procedure has been done.

Order custom essay Female Genital Mutilation Persuasive Essay with free plagiarism report. The pain and suffering that is resulting from this procedure is going against the greatest happiness principle of Utilitarianism. There is a reason why it is no longer called female circumcision and is now being referred to as female genital mutilation. FGM is an un-safe, un-sterile procedure that is female genital mutilation essay place in many foreign countries around the world including Egypt, the Sudan, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and Malaysia Winter, Par.

FGM harms girls and women in these cultures by causing them severe pain and multiple serious side effects. According to the hedonic calculus, and the principle of intensity, it states that some pleasures and pains are more intense than others. The girls or women in this culture are being put through an extreme amount of intense pain for no beneficial reason. Not only is FGM a dangerous procedure, but it also has physical, sexual and mental consequences Amnesty International USA, Par. According to the World Health Organization, this practice has many serious side effects including shock, hemorrhage female genital mutilation essaytetanus or sepsis bacterial infectionurine retention, open sores in the genital region and injury to nearby genital tissue Par.

Other side effects can include death, serious infections, HIV, abscesses, small benign tumors, and clitoral cysts wolvesdream, Par. The World Health Organization has also reported many long term consequences which include; recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections, cysts, female genital mutilation essay, infertility, an increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths Par. It can also lead to a need for later surgeries in life Par. For example, the FGM procedure that seals or narrows a vaginal opening needs to be cut open later in life to allow for sexual intercourse and childbirth Par. In this same procedure, female genital mutilation essay, women could be cut and stitched repeatedly, leading to further complications and more long term risks.

Along with the high risk of short term and long term side effects, the biggest issue resulting from this procedure is death. FGM is the removal of all or part of the external parts of the female genitalia. It is a cultural practice that started in some African countries over years female genital mutilation essay wolvesdream, Par. According to this same source, FGM is primarily a cultural practice, not a religious practice Par. However, in some cultures they do include it as part of their religion Par. In these foreign countries, FGM has become something that is just expected and defines them to their culture Par.

According to the people in this culture, girls will not become women, or adults for that matter, if this procedure is not performed. Most will be considered un-clean and will not be able to marry without the procedure Par. We can refer this to the purity aspect of the hedonic calculus, which states that some pleasures or pains are purer than others. Why is it fair to take away the pleasure of sexual intercourse from women, but not from men in this culture? What prevents the men from going outside the vows of a marriage?

In this culture, since marriage is often the only role female genital mutilation essay for women, it is impossible for them to marry if they have not undergone this procedure Par. Is this procedure only being done to women in this culture because they do not value women? Is their only role in the community reproduction in order to maintain the culture and its practices? The girls that are enduring this procedure are at a very young, immature and undeveloped age. It can be a lifetime of pain and suffering with every sexual encounter or birth. Looking further at the hedonic calculus and the principle of certainty or uncertainty, it states that there is either pleasure or pain in an act. The girls in this culture are forced into this procedure knowing that they will have to endure an extreme amount of pain that could last a lifetime, depending on the circumstances.

According to an article written on FGM, female genital mutilation essay, there are three different types of FGM that take place in different cultures Par. The first one is called Sunna Circumcision which is the removal of the prepuce retractable fold of skin, or hood or the tip of the clitoris Par. The second type is Clitoridectomy which is the removal of the entire clitoris prepuce and glands and the removal of the adjacent labia Par, female genital mutilation essay. The third type is called infibulation pharonic circumcision which consists of performing a clitoridectomy removal of all or part of the labia minora, the labia majora Par. This is then stitched up allowing only a small hole to remain open to allow for urine and menstrual blood to flow through Par.

To conduct this procedure the midwives or village women use various un-sanitized instruments including; broken glass, tin can lids, blunt knives, scissors, and razor blades Amnesty International USA, Par. In most cases, these items are used repeatedly, without any type of sterilization or disinfecting. This practice has lead to the rapid spread of many diseases, high infection rates and HIV. Typically, this procedure is performed without any anesthesia and there are no antibiotics given to prevent infection. The only medical treatment they receive is being stitched up using anything from cat or lamb intestine, to the use of thorns Par. If infibulation or a clitoridectomy is performed, their legs are bound for up to two months while their wounds heal, leaving them immobilized Par.

We can refer this back to the hedonic calculus female genital mutilation essay the principle of duration, which states that some pleasures or pains will last longer than others. Depending on the female genital mutilation essay of procedure done and how it is done, these girls could endure a female genital mutilation essay of pain and suffering resulting from this practice. According to research, an estimated million girls and women have undergone FGM and 2 million girls a year are at risk for having this procedure done Amnesty International USA, Par.

This accounts for approximately 6, girls female genital mutilation essay day Amnesty International USA, Par. Referring back to the hedonic calculus, female genital mutilation essay, the extent of pain and suffering that is being inflicted on the girls and women of this culture is astounding and the numbers are staggering. After reading about FGM and the culture it is being performed in, female genital mutilation essay, some cultural relativists may argue that the ethical understandings vary between cultures and what may be considered morally wrong in one culture may be perfectly acceptable in another.

However, considering the fact that FGM involves the deliberate infliction of severe pain and suffering and that its effects can be life threatening, it does not follow the greatest happiness principle in Utilitarianism. In conclusion, female genital mutilation is not a morally justified practice because it goes against the greatest happiness principle of Utilitarianism. It violates the rights of females and female children. It causes serious pain and suffering that can last a lifetime. The amount and seriousness of the side effects outnumber any traditional or religious values that some cultures believe in. Therefore, according to Utilitarian grounds, we should produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number affected by eliminating this cultural practice all together.

In doing this we would be alleviating the greatest amount of pain and suffering for the greatest number affected. Works Cited Amnesty International USA, female genital mutilation essay. Action for Human Rights. Hope for Humanity. Female Genital Mutilation: A Fact Sheet. Winter, Mary. World Health Organization. Female Genital Mutilation, This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Female Genital Mutilation Persuasive Essay. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Sep 16, Accessed January 7, comfemale genital mutilation essay, Sep Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sleuth as a slang word for sleuthhound or detective who follows a trail to uncover a mystery, crime or unknown variable.

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Any type of essay. Human rights groups and health advocates use the term Female genital mutilation FGM mainly to emphasize the effects that are associated with its practice which are, physical, emotional and psychological consequences. Activists use the term Female genital cutting FGC putting emphasis on the dangers and lastly, another term used is Female circumcision FC which, does not include the harm that is associated with the practice. In other words, many activists believe that this term is misleading and ignores the invasive procedure associated with it because of the vivid comparison with the male circumcision regardless. The Origin of the tradition of Female Genital mutilation is not clearly known but its practice dates back at least years.

Many people believe that FGM was commonly practiced in ancient Egypt representing a distinction amongst the aristocracy. Scholars believe that it mainly started during the rise of slave trade when women entered the Arab societies. Some people believe the foundations of FGM came with the arrival of Islam with a connection of Arabs in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Some believe that the practice developed within the different ethnic groups mainly in sub-Saharan Africa as a sign of puberty rites. Overall, the practice of FGM seems to route back to ties of Africa and the merge of Islam religion.

It is clear to say this evolved within the primitive communities that wanted to exert power or control over women, particularly the sexual behavior of women. I understand, during the slave trade, both male and female slaves had to follow and do anything their masters ordered them to do. But in this modern generations after the abolition of slave trade , with advanced education, presence of Universal Human rights, many activists sensitizing people about the importance of respecting and protecting Human rights and Countries all over the world working for a goal of promoting world peace, harmony for each person give these primitive communities a right to still continue performing FGM, what do they justify their actions with.

TYPES OF FGM There are various ways or methods that are used for FGM in different parts of the world. According to the World Health Organization WHO , there are FGM is classified with four types that describe the different processes or procedures used all over the world. Girls undergo these procedures between birth and at the age of 15, however, FGM is said to happen at all ages even at adulthood. In some cultures mostly in Africa, FGM is basically justified to initiate little girls into adulthood as a way of testing or to establish their marriageability.

Particularly in Africa, there are about 3 million and more girls at risk of undergoing this practice every year. In order to understand more about the term FGM and the reasons that justify this harmful practice, we have to explore the countries or places in the world in which FGM is practiced. According to World Health Organization WHO , Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in more than 27 countries in the continent of Africa and in some parts of Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In the west, it is more common among the immigrants in North America, Europe, and Australia.

In these countries, the practice of FGM is justified with references to the different socio-cultural factors. People from the communities these claim that the practice is rooted in local culture and this traditional ritual is passed on from one generation to another. Female Genital Mutilation FGM is not something new in this modern age, it is a practice that has lived for many generation and years way back. Many people have urged that such practices deprive women of their rights, these include scholars, religious leaders, doctors, policymakers, activists, Lawyers and ethicists to mention but a few, have condemned the practice of FGM for the past decades.

They have all worked hard in the different fields to an end of such cruel acts to women in light of protecting their rights. The supporters of FGM include mothers, girls who have gone through the process and the women who administer it, also called the scopia. According to the interviewees, even educated women support the procedure despite the knowledge of its consequences. While everyone agrees that the practice had cultural significance in their tradition, the parties differ sharply on its relevance today, its effects and whether or not the practice should continue. The supporters of the practice believe that it still plays a significant role in the process of preparing girls to be women while those opposed to it argue that its time has passed.

Those opposed to FGM cite various medical effects such as infections, tetanus, fistula, birth complications and pain during sex as a reason to stop the practice. Some who have gone through the process also note that they are going through some of those problems. The proponents of FGM, however, deny these effects. They argue that the practice reduces sexual desires in women allowing them to tame their sexual passions. Need A Unique Essay on "Female Genital Mutilation"? Through the film also reveals that some mothers take their children through FGM at birth or during infancy. According to advocacy groups, this makes FGM a human rights and child abuse issue. For this reason, the local authorities and the practitioners have reached an agreement that bars the scopia from administering the cut on children below the age of I felt sympathetic to women describing the effects the process had had on them including difficulties while delivering and pain during sex.

It was also shocking to learn that some mothers administer the cut to children at birth and infancy. I was however surprised to find young girls who had been through the cut supporting it and citing the various benefits of the process. The two significant problems that result from female genital mutilation are female sexual dysfunction and problems in delivery. Female sexual disorders arising from FGM are classified either as hyposexuality or disorders involving sexual disorders, arousal, orgasm and sexual pain Elneil, The World Health Organization has also reported many long term consequences which include; recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, an increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths Par.

It can also lead to a need for later surgeries in life Par. For example, the FGM procedure that seals or narrows a vaginal opening needs to be cut open later in life to allow for sexual intercourse and childbirth Par. In this same procedure, women could be cut and stitched repeatedly, leading to further complications and more long term risks. Along with the high risk of short term and long term side effects, the biggest issue resulting from this procedure is death. FGM is the removal of all or part of the external parts of the female genitalia. It is a cultural practice that started in some African countries over years ago wolvesdream, Par. According to this same source, FGM is primarily a cultural practice, not a religious practice Par. However, in some cultures they do include it as part of their religion Par.

In these foreign countries, FGM has become something that is just expected and defines them to their culture Par. According to the people in this culture, girls will not become women, or adults for that matter, if this procedure is not performed. Most will be considered un-clean and will not be able to marry without the procedure Par. We can refer this to the purity aspect of the hedonic calculus, which states that some pleasures or pains are purer than others. Why is it fair to take away the pleasure of sexual intercourse from women, but not from men in this culture? What prevents the men from going outside the vows of a marriage? In this culture, since marriage is often the only role available for women, it is impossible for them to marry if they have not undergone this procedure Par.

Is this procedure only being done to women in this culture because they do not value women? Is their only role in the community reproduction in order to maintain the culture and its practices? The girls that are enduring this procedure are at a very young, immature and undeveloped age. It can be a lifetime of pain and suffering with every sexual encounter or birth. Looking further at the hedonic calculus and the principle of certainty or uncertainty, it states that there is either pleasure or pain in an act. The girls in this culture are forced into this procedure knowing that they will have to endure an extreme amount of pain that could last a lifetime, depending on the circumstances. According to an article written on FGM, there are three different types of FGM that take place in different cultures Par.

The first one is called Sunna Circumcision which is the removal of the prepuce retractable fold of skin, or hood or the tip of the clitoris Par. The second type is Clitoridectomy which is the removal of the entire clitoris prepuce and glands and the removal of the adjacent labia Par. The third type is called infibulation pharonic circumcision which consists of performing a clitoridectomy removal of all or part of the labia minora, the labia majora Par. This is then stitched up allowing only a small hole to remain open to allow for urine and menstrual blood to flow through Par. To conduct this procedure the midwives or village women use various un-sanitized instruments including; broken glass, tin can lids, blunt knives, scissors, and razor blades Amnesty International USA, Par.

In most cases, these items are used repeatedly, without any type of sterilization or disinfecting. This practice has lead to the rapid spread of many diseases, high infection rates and HIV. Typically, this procedure is performed without any anesthesia and there are no antibiotics given to prevent infection. The only medical treatment they receive is being stitched up using anything from cat or lamb intestine, to the use of thorns Par. If infibulation or a clitoridectomy is performed, their legs are bound for up to two months while their wounds heal, leaving them immobilized Par.

We can refer this back to the hedonic calculus and the principle of duration, which states that some pleasures or pains will last longer than others. Depending on the type of procedure done and how it is done, these girls could endure a lifetime of pain and suffering resulting from this practice. According to research, an estimated million girls and women have undergone FGM and 2 million girls a year are at risk for having this procedure done Amnesty International USA, Par.

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